At Precision Hair Clinic in Macclesfield, Cheshire, our hair loss treatments range from medicinal to surgical. Specialising in a variety of hair regrowth treatments, our services include:



Anti-inflammatory and revitalising properties of PRP allow for follicles to regenerate. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), contains growth factors, fibrinogens and cytokines, all of which are involved in the regenerative process. PRP contents play an important role in healing by creating new blood vessels, collagen, and dermal cells.

PRP injected in the dermal papilla in hair follicles near the area of hair thinning/loss can improve blood supply and rejuvenate the scalp. This helps thin, weaker hair become stronger, helping to reduce hair loss.

Oral Medication (Minoxidil/Rogaine)

Hair follicles are provided with nutritional support and blood flow is stimulated. Hair shafts are strengthened, and hair loss is reduced. It is given in the form of a lotion or foam that is applied to the scalp twice daily. Finasteride, also known by its brand name Propecia, is a prescription-only medication for men who suffer from mild to moderate hair loss. Finasteride inhibits Type 2 5a reductase receptors which stops the conversion of testosterone into DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). The inhibition of DHT stimulates hair to recover their normal growth cycle by arresting further hair loss and allowing the strengthening and thickening of every hair shaft. Finasteride is prescribed by our cliniciansand has few if no side effects and works most efficiently when combined with supplementary therapies.

Light Therapy

Low-level light therapy (LLLT), is the application of a lower dose of near infrared light that induces tissue regeneration and reduces inflammation. The LLLT dose is in the red or near infrared spectrum (600 mm to 1000 mm).


Hair Transplant

At Precision Hair Clinic in Macclesfield, Cheshire, our hair loss treatments range from medicinal to surgical. Specialising in a variety of hair regrowth treatments, our services include:


The two recognised techniques for hair transplantation are Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transaction. FUE and FUT have differentiated the means in which the follicular units are harvested from the donor area. To maximize the donor surface area and give the individual the most transplanted hair possible the procedures can be combined.

The principle of a hair transplant is to redistribute hair to the area of hair loss to the recipient region. Male-pattern baldness gene is found within the donor area, therefore it retains its genetic makeup regardless of location and permanent hair growth is seen in the transplanted region.

Approximately three months post-hair transplant, new hair begins to grow and most commonly in spurts over a 12-month period. Therefore, maximum effect of the hair transplant is seen in 12 months.


Strip is the traditional method used for the extraction of the hair follicle. It is an option for men with advanced thinning who want maximum coverage with minimum inconvenience. The procedure involves the removal of a strip of hair from the back and side of the head thus leaving an almost invisible line that is eventually covered by the surrounding hair. The strip method done correctly causes minimal cosmetic change to the scalp and correct closure causes minimal tissue tension.


FUE is a specialised technique that is performed by experienced hair transplant surgeons. Special attention is given to the surrounding hair in terms of laxity and skin texture, therefore making the procedure more technically challenging. Individual hair follicles are extracted from the back and the side of the head allowing a larger surface area for harvesting, allowing for more follicles to be transplanted.


Our clinicians have over 10 years’ experience in hair regrowth treatment.